Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Movies I saw from 2010

2010. The year I stopped seeing movies. It was by far the lowest amount of films ive seen in the theaters in many years. And it made me sad when I started thinking about it, but after looking at the lists of films that came out...I realized its Hollywood's fault on this one. Listen, I know, I should have seen Social Network, The King's Speech, True Grit, probably The Fighter and The Town (even though i hate films about Boston)...but I didn't see those. Instead I saw these films...and wrote about it.

The Book of Eli - The reveal at the end is kinda interesting even if its bullshit. Felt like Gary Oldman "light" for a bad guy. Is hollywood not allowed to make a film about the future of human civilization that doesn't involve humans eating each other? nuclear war? crumbling buildings? or just in general complete apocalypse. Is there any case we might make it and nothing happens?....just a thought. Probably would be a boring movie though.

Legion - Paul Bettany rides again on the ol religious/ action film! get ready for some more with Priest this year. I'm not even sure what the story was, loud and dumb, but i think Quaid was in it and shot a lady crawling on the ceiling...sorry Lionel Richie.

The Wolfman - Kinda liked the production value and art direction and Makeup. I know? I think it is weird of me to say that too. The story is retarded and really a stretch to make it seem like a fully huge story, its a bad B movie and should probably just stay that way.

The Crazies - Meh. It turns out its not that crazy afterall.

Alice in Wonderland - This was the first movie i saw in the theaters for 2010, 3D, i think it cost me $17 to see this film...yeah $17. I mean i get it, don't have to have a discussion about costs of seeing movies, its like people complaining about the traffic or the weather, its just part of the deal. But i really couldn't shake it from my head while i was sitting there and so, i didn't like the movie really. Alice in Wonderland is Disney to me and this isn't Disney, so on the to next thing Tim, to take someone else's work and make it "burton-esque"

Hot Tub Time Machine - Pretty funny, kinda feels it loses the rails at parts, the sentimental aspect seemed forced, should have just gone 100% silly and out of hand instead of "why aren't we not friends anymore" nonsense. 80s are pretty great if you think about it, go ahead, think about it. I'm right huh?

Clash of the titans - Just lame. I sat there wanting it to be good, but the characters and acting were especially terrible. And you would say, "really? as opposed to the amazing performance of Harry Hamlin?" and i would tell you to shut up.

Iron Man 2 - good, not great. Mickey Rourke was not the force that I was hoping, too comical and silly instead of making Rourke actually frightening and troubled, which shouldn't have been a stretch from him

The A-Team - Very fun, story sorta fizzles towards the end, the moving container shell game thing is dumb and Jessica Biel is useless, i mean she's not "useless" just whenever she opens her mouth, but the four guys are good together and the casting is as on as you can get. More Van would have been nice though and Face's Vette.

Predators - Technically this film is correct. There are more than one Predator in this film, what it should have said though is... Predators: Not that great

Inception - Best film i saw in theaters. Acting is pretty good, pretty good. The story and scope of the world these characters are in is the selling point. The effects are pretty solid too. I don't know why but it sorta irritates me when DiCaprio is in a good film.

Harry Potter - Worst harry potter film yet. which isn't fair really of me to say because how different would i feel if parts 1 and 2 were together? meh, probably not that different. Looking forward to the conclusion this summer though.

Tron Legacy - Amazing idea and almost pulled it off. The score is fantastic, the story is pretty good, just something about it missed the mark for me, maybe the actual lack of "Tron" in it and the really poor reveal of him towards the end. Made me want them to do another Last Starfighter......What do we do now? WE DIE...AGAIN...SOME MORE


  1. I'm just glad this finally came out.

  2. Did this take you two months to put together? I'm grateful, but chop-chop for next year.
